Monday, September 28, 2015

Delaware Park

Delaware Park is one of my favorite places in Buffalo. I live less than a half mile from Hoyt Lake and I run by it almost every day. I think that it was well designed and is very scenic. The art gallery in the background and the old psychiatric center down the road make it a very photogenic area. I can see traits of early suburbia in the design of the park. Hoyt Lake must have been a place to converse with like-minded people, and the second section closer to the zoo is more like the natural park that Meyer discusses in her writings - an open area surrounded by homes. 

Hoyt Lake 
Neighboring Buffalo Psychiatric Center
Forest Lawn Cemetery is my favorite place to run in the city. It’s very peaceful, and it’s massive. You get a sense of the city’s identity through the monuments of Sagoyewatha Red Jacket and burial sites of Buffalo’s first politicians and other notables.

Red Jacket Memorial
 I love the opening archways to the cemetery. They’re beautiful. I love the stone used and the massive gates that enclose what’s inside. I also love the scenery around the graves themselves. The cemetery is not overcrowded at all, there is a brook that runs through the property that is quite breathtaking in the summer and fall, where a lot of birds, particularly swans, settle for the season.

Forest Lawn Main Street entrance
My favorite thing about Rose Lawn Cemetery is the Sphinx Statue that marks a grave. It doesn't say when the man lived or died, so I have no idea how long it's been there. But I think that it's a beautiful monument and is probably the closest I'll get to ever seeing the Egytian Sphinx in my lifetime. 

1 comment:

  1. I bet if you go to the office at Forest Lawn, they will tell you about that sphinx monument. The people there are very much into the history and architecture of the place. Egyptian symbolism was big for a time in cemeteries, Check out the entrance to Mount Auburn Cemetery and also the Grove Street Cemetery in New Haven, Conn. No sphinxes, but Egyptian lotus motifs.
